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SpeCiaL  FeaTurEs  with  PicTuReS:

European Trip 
MBA Graduation

Learn more about my MBA Research Paper...

Last update: April 1, 1999

Hello all!

After a trip to Asia and Europe in the recent years, this year I have chosen Hawaii for a nice, long, relaxing holiday.  Please don't jealous!  :)  Besides FUN, I am still working hard on my part-time study on the Internet Marketing Certificate Program at UBC.

It is an exciting course on E-commerce, E-tailing, and E-customer. I just made the last one up!  :)  Do you think E-customers are different from real customers?

In this intensive 6-month program, I would learn many internet marketing concepts, channels, research, plans, web sites, products, marcom, bus-2-bus, lauch to global communication.

If you have time, check out the links under
"SpeCiaL FeaTurEs with PicTuReS".
These pages require some time to download the pictures if you have a slow modem.  Please be patient!   :)

I was born in Hong Kong and I have been living in Vancouver, Canada, for more than 10 years.  I went to Cariboo Hill Secondary School in Burnaby for my high-school education. Then, I had my Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. in Biopsychology) at the University of British Columbia.

After that, I traveled back to Hong Kong, Macau, and seven major cities in China for five weeks in the summer of 1995.  I love traveling!  It is because the more you travel the more you learn.

Luckily, I had a chance to travel many European countries in 1998 May.  See European Trip.  I have learned so much through interacting with different people in different cultures.  Each city has its own story and unique culture.

The cities that I would love to visit in the future are: New York City, US; Mexico City, Mexico; Tokyo, Japan; Sydney, Australia... and more places in Europe!!!

"Traveling a million miles 
is better than reading a million books!"

Knowing many friends from diverse cultural, educational, and professional background is the most valuable asset while I was studying at Simon Fraser University.  Very often, we shared manylaughtersand tears in doing group projects and presentations.  Friends, do you remember any of the following?
BUS 572 "Learning what to learn...",
BUS 528 "Calculating costssss.....",
BUS 578 "Forecasting sales in simulation...",
BUS 512 "Estimating investment returns...",
BUS 536 "Discussing the quantitative measures for business cases...",
BUS 543 "Designing power point for different marketing cases..."
BUS 845 "Analyzing the market trends with statistical methods..."
BUS 847 "Using theories and models to predict consumer behavior..."
BUS 848 "Marketing a new product with what strategies..."
BUS 901 "Learning SQL, Visual Basic and DBMS..."

Yeah! I finally presented my MBA research paper in the fish bowl!

GOOD LUCK to other MBAs at SFU!

My MBA research topic is:

Sun Tzu and Marketing Information Technologies to China:
How Canada can profit in the Asian Trade Wars?

Click MBA Paper to see the Abstract and Executive Summary.

Keep your BrAiN
freshin the bottle!?

The most memorable experience in the past was working at the HongKong Bank of Canada (HKBC), Vancouver Main Branch, because it was an exciting and challenging environment to learn informative things and to meet interesting people everyday.  Almost everyone at the bank knew that Vivian was a Candy girl who always kept a jar of cute candiesat the reception.
Having a MBA degree in Marketing and an Internet Marketing certificate, I would like to find an exciting and challenging career in the field of International Marketing.  Ideally, I would like to apply skills that I have learned and achieve success.

My career goal is to work in an exciting and growing business industry that has a supportive environment for employees to learn and grow.  It is difficult to predict future.  However, no matter where I am going, I will remember my family and friends.  Send me an email whenever you like it.

I like to have a Drink with my friends, particularly, Cafe Mocha and Bubble Tea, which is a green tea or a milk tea with some tapioca inside.  Speaking of FOOD, I like Chinese, Japanese, Greek, and Italian.  Tuesday night is usually a Movie night (any scientific, romantic comedy or mystery).  I spend less time on Karaoke nowadays because no one wants to listen to my songs.  Just kidding!  Clubbing is always an option on the weekends when my feet feel itchy.

Sports?! I think this may be my weakness because I have developed a phobia from my elementary school teacher.  However, I do play some badminton and table tennis (my friends will say, "Rarely").  I am trying to learn inline-skating or roller blading in every summer, but still "learning".  I wanna learn golfing and tennis; however, the game has never started.  It seems like I have been talking about these sports for a long time.  Perhaps my favorite exercise is walking.

If you have a DreAm for the future,
you will be motivated to achieve SuCCeSS.

If you wish to send me an email, click [email protected]
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 Last update: April 1, 1999